Go On Line Mummy!
What is a Digital Champion?
Digital Champions help people in their community to get online and develop their Basic Digital Skills. Whether it’s helping a friend, neighbour, customer or colleague, Digital Champions help raise awareness of the benefits that being online can bring to everyday life. They are not experts in IT, just people who are confident in using the internet and digital devices who want to support others in gaining the skills and confidence to do the same. Digital Champions will be helping people in the Digital Zones throughout Croydon during the Go ON Croydon project.

What are Basic Digital Skills?
They are key skills that are needed to benefit fully from the internet by using computers, laptops or other devices such as tablets and smartphones. There are five Basic Digital Skills; Managing Information, Communicating, Transacting, Problem Solving and Creating. Gaining these skills enables people to do things such as; use a search engine, send an email or online message, or complete an online application form.
Why is getting online important?
In London one in four people don’t have Basic Digital Skills, which means they don’t have access to the growing number of services, products, information and support that is available online. Whether it is applying for jobs, making new friends, saving money, exploring personal interests, or keeping in touch with people or services, our ambition is that no one in Croydon is left behind. Through Go ON Croydon we want to ensure that everyone in our borough has the opportunity to be included. To help with this Digital Zones will be opening up across Croydon.
In association with MyAtoBee CIC.
Helping people from point a to b in life
Helping all mums and vulnerable adults with basic computer and digital skills online and support.
From online forms, to benefits, to school admissions forms
Please book on booking page or send in your queries via Contact Support form
One to One sessions
Times : By Appointment
Place:19 Christie Drive, CR0 6YA